Welcome to Lizzy's Log

This blog started accidentally and rapidly took on a life of its own. Lizzy is a social dancer, inhabiting the space between dance and dreams.

15 Feb 2010

Command-line cabecao

Milonga, mid-evening. The dance floor is flowing. Three women are sitting,  in deep conversation in the far corner of the room. A man is approaches, they fail to spot him. He walks right up to them. The conversation continues. No-one looks up. Bemused he stands a  foot away, looking down at them. Relunctantly two look up, but he indicates that  it's the third women he is wanting to dance with...She's nudged, and glances are exchanged between the women, reluctantly she looks up, accepts the "invitation," and moves on to the dance floor.

He thinks 
Mission accomplished. A damn fine cabaceo, dance successsfully negotiated, women performed well, an excellent outcome!

She thinks
To demand a dance when one isn't offered is a strange thing to do. I'll stand, and walk away in future.

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