Welcome to Lizzy's Log

This blog started accidentally and rapidly took on a life of its own. Lizzy is a social dancer, inhabiting the space between dance and dreams.

23 Jun 2010

"I can't control who comes and who doesn't!"

those immortal words were spoken by TM [tanguera mysteriosa], who withdrew it quickly, saying actually she usually can.

It was a night, not quickly to be forgotten. A local, previously unexplored venue, close, and on a hot June night seemingly the perfect option. Casually dressed and carefully arranged, we set out to sample the local talent.

We were greeted at the door by a door by a brassy blond "just rearranging my knickers" she explained, as we saw her tugging at her arse and wriggling. We paid our £8 and found ourselves a seat. It was evidentally not the usual tango venue.
Twenty minutes past. There was not a look or glance in our direction. TM and I enjoyed the spectacle of the local dancers, gossiped and then I broke and asked to go home. The football was on, I could do some gardening... It was bleak.

The owner of the club sauntered acoss the floor, now empty, greeted us and offered us a gentlemany hand. A smile passed between us, he turned on his heels and left, taking a quick exit through the nearby door.

I raised my eyebrows. TM shook her head "not even the suggestion that we may dance," I commented. I led an exit plan:- we go to the door, ask for a refund, and head for a bar. I've had better evenings painting the shed.

TM remarked if she was on the door she'd refuse refunds, "I can't control who comes and who doesn't". Our laughter shook the room! TM went off to buy a round of drinks, we were here for the night.

The next time I looked up (by now I'd settled into writing this blog), the drinks were here and the brassy blond know nicknamed "the knickerless wonder" was being paraded around the floor by Maestro...

Eventually Maestro sauntered again to our table, I was now emgrossed in my blog, but now he asked for a dance. My writing was causing comment. We had been there 50 minutes, not that I was counting.

We danced a tanda and he explained the music could run all night with out him, he choose it before he went out. I gazed around the floor, there were three couples on it. I said nothing. He then left me to walk myself back to my table.

TM remarked the evening was cheering her up. She'd been feeling a little down about her dancing but looking around she felt her dancing wasnt that bad actually.. We laughed again.

I took solace in writing my log. TM talks to friends who have just arrived, I was alone, with my pen as my closest friend.